The Business Master (4th Edition)
The Business Master - 4th Edition.iso
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Prices Effective as of 1 March 1992
DAYOIE DAYO Inventory Registration & Program............ 75.00 _____
DAYOPE DAYO POS Registration & Program.................. 75.00 _____
DAYOQE DAYO Quotes Registration & Program............... 50.00 _____
DAYOAE DAYO Accounts Receivable Registration & Program.. 75.00 _____
DAYORE DAYO Smart Reports Registration & Program........ 50.00 _____
DAYOME DAYO Menu Registration & Program................. 25.00 _____
STARTERPACK Registration for Inventory, POS, AR, Quotes, -------------
Smart Reports and Menu (when bought together) 250.00
DAYOPS * DAYO LITTLE POS Registration & Program........... 25.00 _____
DAYOP1 * DAYO SIMPLE POS Registration & Program........... 25.00 _____
DAYOP7 * DAYO SIMPLEST POS Registration & Program......... CALL _____
DAYOP2 * DAYO Returns & Refunds POS Registration.......... 25.00 _____
DAYOBI DAYO Billing & Invoicing Registration............ 75.00 _____
DAYOBE DAYO PB Registration & Program.................. 45.00 _____
DAYOXE DAYO Index Registration & Program................ 25.00 _____
DAYOIDE DAYO Password Registration & Program............. 35.00 _____
DAYOOE DAYO Back Order Registration & Program........... 35.00 _____
DAYOVE DAYO Accounts Payable Registration & Program..... 75.00 _____
DAYOLE DAYO Look Up Registration & Program.............. 35.00 _____
DAYOEE DAYO End of Period/Purge Registration & Program.. 50.00 _____
DAYOWE DAYO Materials Requirement Planning (MRP)........ 75.00 _____
Program & Registration
DAYOYE DAYO Payroll Registration & Program.............. 75.00 _____
DAYOGE DAYO General Ledger (GL) Program & Registration.. 95.00 _____
DAYO39 DAYO Bar Code Registration & Program............. 45.00 _____
DAYOPR* DAYO Rental POS Registration & Program........... 35.00 _____
DAYOZE DAYO Order Entry Registration & Program.......... 50.00 _____
DAYOSE DAYO Shipping Log Registration & Program......... 25.00 _____
DAYOFE DAYO Return Management System Registration....... 45.00 _____
DAYOJE DAYO Job Costing................................. 95.00 _____
GUIPOS DAYO GUI POS (Req VGA)........................... 125.00 _____
BRAIN4 DAYO BRAIN (Req VGA)............................. 99.00 _____
DAYOTE DAYO Time & Billing.............................. 95.00 _____
DAYODE DAYO Membership.................................. 95.00 _____
DAYOCE DAYO Sales Management System..................... 295.00 _____
DAYOSC DAYO Support Calls Management System............. 95.00 _____
DAYORW DAYO Report Writer (Relational Report Writer).... 199.00 _____
DAYOCLOK DAYO Clock Registration & Program.......
DAYOUPDT Update & Conversion Program............. Sub-Total: -----
Shipping & Handling: $5.00
COD Charge ($5.00)
* Requires DAYOPE or DAYOBI -----
Total: _____
Customizations: We make changes at a very reasonable rate!
Terms: Check, Money Order or C.O.D. only. Orders over $500.00 will be
immediately processed if Certified Check. C.O.D.s over $500 require
certified check or cash.
Name: _______________________________ Mail To:
Address: _______________________________ TJS LAB, Inc.
_______________________________ 5104 North Orange Blossom Tr.
_______________________________ Suite 200
Orlando, Florida 32810
(407) 291-3960
TJS LAB Inc. was started in December, 1988 we started selling software
via the shareware market. 'Seeing into the future', we kept expanding the DAYO
line of products; insuring that all new modules would integrate with older
modules. Additional features have also been added to the first modules
(ie: Inventory and Point of Sale). Over the past few years, many other DAYO
modules have been created (over 30 today!), making DAYO the largest, most
full featured Business and Accounting Shareware product in the world!
All DAYO modules were created to be totally integrated. All features and
options in the many modules were created as a result of the ideas and
suggestions from the many DAYO users (a process that continues today). DAYO
is truly a user supported and developed product.
DAYO is grouped into a 'Starter Pack', 'Add-ons', and 'Others'. The
Starter Pack includes: Inventory, POS, AR, Smart Reports, Quotes, and Menu.
Add-ons include all supporting DAYO modules like the End of Period, Accounts
Payable, Quotes, MRP, Bar Code and many more. The Others modules include
programs that can act as 'standalones' or are specialized, ie: Time & Billing,
Payroll, Membership, Sales Management System, Support Calls Management, Report
Writer, and The Brain.
TJS LAB Inc. enjoys performing changes and customizations to existing DAYO
modules, and the creation of new ones. The rates for customization range from
$35 for customizing an invoice to whatever can be negotiated. Special 'deals'
are granted for enhancements and/or projects that can later be resold. Don't
hesitate to use our programmer's talents!
DAYO is constantly changing & growing! Each day brings ever more changes
and enhancements to one or more of the DAYO modules. A new module is always
in the works.